Our Diversity Bulletin Board Ideas page will provide you with great resources for a number of diversity related topics. Our bulletin boards will help you integrate various activities into your daily curriculum. Ideas within the diversity bulletin board pages include resources to help promote the unique qualities of all students.
We are always looking for new ideas! Your creativity can help other teachers. Submit your bulletin board idea and don't forget to include a photo if you have one!
This indicates resources located on The Teacher's Corner.
Don't Be Afraid to Stand Out Grades K-12th
I used push pins and neon string on this board to make the words actually stand out.
Submitted by: Leanne Wilson - Plainview Middle School
Lessons from Crayons Grades K-12th
This was a fun board but a little time consuming. You get the melted effect on the crayons by using a blow drier to melt them. Be careful because this can be a little messy.
The saying: "We could all learn a lesson from crayons; some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, and all are diofferent colors, but they all have to learn to live in the same box."
Submitted by: Leanne Wilson - Plainview Middle School
Friendship Flags Grades K-6th
Materials needed: Coffee filters, food coloring, water, small
bowls, fishing line, scissors, hole punch, paper hole reinforce-ments, crayons, newspaper, paper towels.
Objectives: Understand diversity and child will experience mixing colors and develop fine
motor skills through folding filters and stringing them.
Procedure: The student may draw or write on the coffee filter. They then fold the filter into quarters (see picture) and dips corners and edges into colored water. Student opens filter and lays it aside to dry. Student repeats procedure with three or four other coffee filters. When filters are dry, student punches two holes at the top of each one and puts a paper hole reinforcement around each hole. Student then strings filters together by threading fishing line through holes to make a set of Friendship Flags. This can be hung on the wall with a saying like "When different colors are brought together, it can make something even more beautiful".
Submitted by: Jennifer
Crayons Living Together
I made a bulletin board for the guidance office of my middle school regarding diversity. I used a large sheet of yellow construction paper. I folded it and cut it out in the shape of a box of crayons. I then made crayons to go in the box and extra crayons to go on the box. I made up odd names for the crayons outside the box. At the top of the board I had a poem that was something like the following:
Crayons come in all colors. Some are sharp, some are dull, but they all have to learn to live together in the same box.
Submitted by: Linda lwillard@email-removed
Celebrating Our Heritage Grades 6-12th
Submitted by: Janice H.
I Am Special
This is a great activity and display for the beginning of year, or any other time that you would like to focus on unique qualities of individual students (photo below). It's a fun activity that allows you to introduce and/or practice quotation marks with your students. Make a class set of a basic person shape. Students then decorate and cut out their shape. Students write their own sentence explaining why they are special. Here is an example: Sue said, "I am special because I can ride my bike around the block with no training wheels." Having a parent volunteer available to type the statements would be great. After printing, students cut out their statement and glue it to a piece of construction paper that resembles speech bubble.
Submitted by: Jennifer
Email us your diversity bulletin board ideas and pictures using the link at the top of the page!
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