Our Reading Bulletin Board Ideas page will provide you with great resources for a number of reading related topics. Our bulletin boards will help you integrate various activities into your daily curriculum. Ideas within the reading bulletin board pages include resources for the following: literary Elements, various reading genres, reading clubs, and phonics.
We are always looking for new ideas! Your creativity can help other teachers. Submit your bulletin board idea and don't forget to include a photo if you have one!
It's Beary Nice to See You! Grades Primary
This is a board of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. The trees were made with construction paper and cardboard. The characters were hand drawn and painted. The flowers were from a lesson planning book.
Submitted by: Tina L.
Our Favorite Books
Integrate some technology into your reading class. Use the software program called Comic Life to help your students create book reports on their favorite books. Allow them the chance to take photos of the book’s illustrations to include in their document. Within the speech bubbles and caption boxes, students will write their information. Elements to include in the book report: title, author, characters, setting, and main events.
Instead of having your students take photos of the book’s illustrations, have them access a copyright-free online photo resource to find photos for their report. Here are a couple of sites to get you started: http://www.pics4learning.com and http://search.creativecommons.org/
Submitted by: The Teacher's Corner
Fiction to Film *NEW* Grades K-5
Blown Away by Reading Grades K-5
This is a great bulletin board or display to make during the Spring. (Reading can need a little motivation this time of year.) Draw and cut a large blowing cloud. Have the kids make their own kite by using black construction paper for the frame work and then add colored tissue paper to fill it in. As the students read a book, they add a triangle shape to the tale of their kite. On the the shape, they write the title and author of their book.
Submitted by: Jennifer teach@email-removed
Brown Bear vs. Panda Bear Grades K-1
Prior to creating the bulletin board (left photo), you will want to read each book to your students. Make a copy of each book's front cover. Finally, create your headings and venn diagram. After reading the books, students will vote for their favorite book. They will write their name in the appropriate area of the venn diagram. You can use any type of background paper or fabric for this bulletin board. You could also have students write statements about the books and/or their reasons for liking a specific book on sentence strips and add them to the display.
Submitted by: Jennifer
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Grades K-2
For Chicka Chicka Boom Boom....we have the kids draw coconut trees and then glue Alphabits cereal going up the sides if the trunk. You could also use stickers with letters of the alphabet.
Submitted by: JenK1961@email-removed
Elements of Fiction Grades 3-6
The children make kites by folding a piece of square paper in half (lengthwise & widthwise). Then they fold the 4 corners inward. On each flap the put one element of fiction (setting, main character, problem, solution). Then they read a story & draw a picture or write a fact answering each element, using their story. Add tails, bows & away you go...
Submitted by: Michelle shelstan@email-removed
Fall Bulletin Boards
Be sure to visit our Fall page for some great reading board ideas.
Hop into Spring with a Good Book Grades K-5
Background color... Bright sky blue with a bright green low rolling hill at bottom third of board. A large white rabbit hops across the board carrying a basket of books. Other books are bouncing out of the basket with titles, authors, and cover illustrations displayed. Students could even create their own favorite book covers to display.
Submitted by: Nancy Alley of Columbus, OH n.alley@email-removed
I Can Read! Grades PreK-1
As students develop their literacy skills, allow them to display what they can read. As they master environmental print, students can post their favorite reading items on a wall in the classroom.
Submitted by: Jennifer
If all the books were gone... Grades K-2
This bulletin board is based on reading responses made by students to Read on Rita. After reading the book, students write their response to this question: "If I woke up and all of the books were gone, I would feel..." As an interactive writing lesson, students write their responses on chart paper.
Submitted by: Jennifer
Moonbear Grades K-2
A bulletin board that I have done ties into my Moonbear theme at the beginning of September. Outside of my classroom I have made a five foot Moonbear using my overhead. He is from one of his books where he is looking up into the sky. I use green paper on the bottom to make it appear that he is up on a hill. On my door which is covered in dark blue paper I have placed fairly large stars. On each star I have written the name of a student. I go over each name with silver glitter. It looks adorable if I say so myself!! The children love looking for their name. In October the scene changes and the children take their star home for their bedroom.
Submitted by: Town32@email-removed
Year-Long Book Shelf Reading Record Grades K-5
It's a BB that will last all year, to show books we have read in class, either by me, the whole class or during Silent Reading. To start, I made up a BB to look like a book shelf. I will put a coffee can below it, full of different color paper strips, cut about 7"x2", but not all the same size. We will make a key, so that each color will represent a different genre (mystery, history, non-fiction, etc.). As a student finishes a book, s/he will take the correct color strip and write the title of the book on it. They can also put 1, 2, or 3 stars at one end, to show how much they liked the book. Then it gets stapled on the "shelf" so that it looks like a book on a shelf. This way, students can get ideas on what to read and will show visitors what great readers we are. By the end of the year, it will look great.
Submitted by: CptJWay@email-removed
Board for the book Snowballs
I had the students work in cooperative groups and I gave each group a cutout of a large snowman (or woman) with no features. After reading the book "Snowballs", which shows how you can create different paper snow people, they were instructed to create a cooperative snow-person. They came out great! I gave each group also strips of different colored paper and told them they could only use paper, no crayons or pencils. Buttons would be nice add ons, too. The only rule was each person in their groups were to be responsible for at least one feature of the snow-person. The bulletin board looks beautiful and very colorful!!!
Submitted by: SLevy10368@email-removed
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